Ok, I'm going to try composing a poem I made up.
I looked in her eye one last time,
I gave her a hug, and said goodbye,
A tear formed, and she said she was proud,
To not just her, but me as I stood before her,
I turned my back and headed for the line,
Happy and sad I walked toward them before me,
I turned around one last time,
and they weren't there, but gone in sight,
At least I got to see them, even though one day was sad,
But as I got to security, I slipped off my shoes,
Put the liquids in a bucket with my shoes and phone,
took off my belt and went through,
I got to my flight, with one last goodbye to Florida,
Got to my seat on the plane, and took off,
I remember that last things they both said,
"Goodbye, I love you," my mom and sister said.